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He Thought Suicide Is The Only Way Out

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Josh was just 10 years old when he first started having suicidal thoughts. He lived in poverty and thought the "world wasn't good." He thought this way even while his mother was taking him to church.

Josh tried to quiet the suicidal thoughts with drugs and sex, but as he found out, would only make them worse.

It turns out his father was having suicidal thoughts as well. When Josh turned 15, his father killed himself.

This was a really dark time for him since his father was his best friend. This trauma inspired Josh to try and take his own life by cutting his wrists.

The wounds weren't fatal and landed him in a mental institution. Upon getting out, Josh quit school and went deeper into taking drugs and other outlets to numb the pain.

It seemed like things couldn't get any worse for Josh, but that couldn't be further from the truth. At the age of 20, Josh got a phone call that devastated him even more.

His brother had also been experiencing thoughts of suicide. He succumbed to them and took his own life, just like his father had done.

Josh was devastated. He remembered sharing an experience with his brother earlier that morning. He said, ‘Hey Josh,’ and I said, ‘Yeah?’ And he said, ‘Man I just want you to know that I love you.’”

This drove Josh even further down the rabbit hole of suicidal thinking. He tried to commit suicide 5 more times in the next few years.

He Thought suicide was the only way out.

He realized later that he was wrong.

Watch his suicide video testimony to find out what happened

Josh found a supernatural peace that many others have found. If you are interested in finding this same peace, please visit our Pray For Me page.

Suicide is not the only way out. There is hope. There are thousands of testimonies of people just like Josh's. Sometimes it's hard to see a way out or any sort of reason to live. I promise you there is much more to live than what you have lived! Find help and talk to your loved ones.

If you are looking for an inspirational video you can watch this testimony of going from homeless to success. This man went from being homeless to a billionaire.

If you search for hope, you will find it!

You can find Josh's full story here at CBN's 700 Club website.

If you speak English and need to talk with someone right now please call our partner prayer line at: 1-866-273-4444​

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Or visit The Crossroads website to submit the prayer request there.

You can also visit the Castle Streaming Service at

Do you have a testimony of someone finding hope after hitting rock bottom? Leave the story in the comments to help inspire others!


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